So this last cold I had terrified me! You see, for the past year whenever I catch a cold I wind up with some sort of infection (sinus, eye, ear, lung). It isn't pretty... I inevitabley end up at Urgent Care or the ER and prescribed mega doses of antibiotics which only make my problems worse!
I thought "What the heck... it's worth a shot!" and bought a bottle. I took a double dose 3-4 times that day and was shocked the next morning when I realized my cold was almost GONE!!! I still had some lingering effects, but I felt GREAT! I was sold!!!
Oil of Oregano comes in two delivery methods. You can either get a liquid form that you take via dropper, or you can get a capsule form that you swallow just like any other pill. Being that I am not a fan of tasting my medicine I opted to the capsule form.
This cure works best if you catch the cold early on, at the onset of symptoms, but can still help kick the cold faster when taken later on.
So.. the next time you get a cold skip the engineered meds and reach for your Oregano and you will be feeling better in no time!!!
Dan started coming down with something a few days ago. I told him about your experience and he's trying it out-- we'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for the tip!